Services Provided
We can help you decide which option is best when it comes to recovering costs to repair your vehicle when the damage is someone else’s fault.
There are pros and cons for which option you might choose. We can help explain those options and have an easy to understand flow chart which can really simplify the process.
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No job too small or large. We can help advise you where the costs are represented in the painting process and give you a much better appreciation for why the refinish costs usually represent the major component cost of a repair.
Thinking of buying a new or used vehicle with a fancy effect paintjob or colour?
Maybe you should ring us first!
Contact us today!
Not all dents are created equal! You may have alternative options whether your damage needs a conventional repair method, sectionised or PDR (paintless dent technology).
We will gladly inspect your damage and advise you of your options.
Contact us today!
Have you been coerced into taking your damaged car to an insurance company repairer, eg Capital Smart?
Increasingly we are seeing vehicles ‘repaired’ with complete disregard to unseen damage or unacceptable repair procedures. Do you understand how seriously you should take the term ‘pre-accident condition’? It’s in your PDS and obligates your insurer to fix ALL damage PROPERLY. Don’t wait until you go to sell your car for the prospective purchaser or RWC centre to advise you that your car is dangerous, unroadworthy or unsellable.
We offer a no charge inspection service for previously repaired vehicle’s. More detailed inspections requiring hardware removal and detailed written reports incure a modest fee.
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So you’ve damaged your car (or another vehicle) and you are unsure what to do. You probably should ring us BEFORE contacting your insurer. Do you think that your insurer has your bests interests at heart? You probably should think again!
Unsure about a particular insurer? You should probably seek a second opinion.
Contact us today!